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How To Apply Ontario Tech University

apply Ontario Tech University

Apply Ontario Tech University — Ontario Tech University offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs in fields such as engineering, computer science, health sciences, business, education, and social science. The university is well known for its technology-focused programs and its emphasis on experiential learning and research. The University offers a diverse array of undergraduate, college-to-university transfer, and graduate programs across six different faculties. It also has variety of Continuous Learning programs, courses and workshops to help you advance your career.

Before you apply Ontario Tech University

Before applying for Ontario Tech note that applicant must have an Ontario Secondary School Diploma with a minimum of six 4U/M credits or equivalent, including credits and courses that satisfy the academic prerequisites of specific programs. You must also present a competitive admission average.

Prepare your documents 

In applying for Ontario Tech University be informed that applicant is required to complete an online application form, official transcript from high schools, colleges and universities attended, provide proof of English proficiency through a standardized test such as TOEFL or IELTS, letters of recommendation and statement of intent/personal statement. 

Below are documents for undergraduate and postgraduate applicants:

Undergraduate Documents

High school transcripts

Proof of English Proficiency 

Post-secondary transcripts 

Report of a midterm or predicted results from the school

Documents issued by third parties such as examination authorities

Postgraduate Documents

Proof of a completed bachelor’s degree or equivalent 

Official academic transcripts of all previously attended institutions

Two Letters of Reference

Proof of English Proficiency

Application Deadline 

For admission to programs starting the following fall, applicants should apply before February 1, 2023 to secure an equal consideration. 

Domestic and international applicant 

The following steps will assist applicants in applying to Ontario Tech University:

How to apply Ontario Tech University as a domestic applicant

Domestic applicants are required to submit additional documents, such as proof of citizenship or permanent residency and follow the steps below to apply: 

How to apply Ontario Tech University as an international applicant 

International students can apply to various graduate and undergraduate programs offered by Ontario Tech through the dedicated online application portal, OUAC.

Follow the steps below to apply as an international applicant: 

After you apply Ontario Tech University

After completing applications and submitting application, applicants will receive confirmation of successful application submission. The confirmation will be sent by the university to the applicant via email.

A link, a PIN, and relevant password information will also be provided to the applicant to enable them to log in to the applicant portal. The university usually responds within four weeks of application submission. Applicants can also check the application status by logging in to the applicant portal.

Please note that decisions are announced online and all the student-specific communication from the university is done via email. Applicants may check their application status on the official admission portal.

How To Apply Ontario Tech University by SchoolsinOntario

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